Saturday, January 30, 2010


Whenever I'm on a phone with a friend, he frequently asks what I'm doing. I usually respond with "chatting." Then, a question popped into my head. Does my frequent chatting online make me seem antisocial? That I only communicate with people via internet/phone?

I do know these people in real life. In fact, I've known them 6 - 7 years now. I absolutely adore them to pieces. They're the people that I cannot seem to go without talking with them for no more than a week. They're the people who sent me gifts and letters when I lived across the country. They're the people who drive all the way to Pinole when I'm upset or just to hang out. Unfortunately, due to my current location and lack of transportation, my main communication is chatting.

I live at a bottom of a hill. I walk around my room to get at least two bars to successfully send a text message. I frequently get disconnected from phone calls because I lose signal when I shift my position.

When people ask what my hobbies are, one of my main responses is "going on my laptop." Does that convey that I'm antisocial? A person who doesn't have anything better to do with her time than go online?

With the same friend, he asked why I don't put myself out more when I'm in school. I can if I wanted to, but I'm going to be leaving for college soon and I probably won't speak to these people ever again if I decided to put myself out there. I don't want to seemingly grow close to someone within a year then make false promises of "hanging out with each other everyday" or "live together in college." No, sorry, I already have friends that I've known for almost a decade to do those type of things. I'd rather stay home and chat with friends who know me as the bubbly, perverted type instead of the innocent, quiet facade that people see me with during school.

I do like meeting new people, but I won't put much effort into creating a friendship unless they actually truly interest me and if they're willing to put the effort in too. But all-in-all, my best/good friends are all I've ever wanted. I'd chat with them any day than go out with a bunch of unfamiliar people.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Laptop Cooler

is weird at the moment.

Every time I breathe in, it blows out air really loudly, and when I breathe out, it stops.

Silly thing.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dear blog,

I'm selfish, overcritical, verbose, uptight, and a hypocritical.
I've told my friend several times that he needs to learn how to relax, when most of the time I don't know how to myself.

I feel... horrible today.

That is all. =T


Monday, January 25, 2010


I wish I had some.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Because I absolutely ADORE Sterling Knight.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

I should stop taking naps so often. Well, for so long perhaps.



Friday, January 22, 2010

Hi, I like squishy things & people.

No dirty puns intended.

A Problem.

I haven't had a soda or something sweet to drink today
and it's bothering the heck out of me. No candy either, unless you count fruit snacks as one.
I'm consuming oranges like crazy. I'll manage though.

Overall, I'm pretty dang proud. :)

You would think that I have a smoking problem or something, haha. No folks, I have a sugar problem.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


- Law & Order
- Sonny with a Chance
- Good Eats
- Chick flicks
- TV, in general.
- Chips.
- Soda.
- Hot Chocolate/Coffee.
- Everything that's bad for me.
- Naps.
- Brushing my teeth, ironically, my teeth are still yellow.
(Because of the junk I eat.)
- Facebook.
- Shopping.
- Nail Polish.

Dear blog, I have a problem.
I dislike late-night pondering sometimes.

I need to go back to my healthy drinking habits.

Cute as a Gumdrop.

Someone has their eye on Orly's Sweet Collection for Spring 2010.
Pastel and creme? I want!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Take a hint.

I'm not very fond of you, go away.


Why must this weekend go by so quickly? :(

Saturday, I worked from 7 am to 6 pm. I was pretty tired, especially when I was working with the trainee. I love the woman, but it does get frustrating at times, it's not her fault though. Greedy people and their lottery could NOT be patient. Geez, they didn't understand the phrase, WAIT A MOMENT. It's whatever though. I'm just pissed my mom promised me she was going to come back at around 3, but didn't come back until 6. I barely made any tips. Stupid thieves stole the quarter donation for a cancer child and our tip jar the other day. I can do without tips, but REALLY? Stealing a cancer child's quarter donations?! I want to knock their face out, fucking low life.

Sunday, I just bummed it out until 3 or 4. I went to Emeryville with Denise, Belle, and Pan to watch Princess and the Frog. :) Great movie~ I tried to not cry, but Denise did HAAAH. <3>

Monday and Tuesday, just stayed home except for a quick trip to Target. I bought sockies, pens, and a notebook. I couldn't find the sweatpants I wanted. :(


They took my brown, ugly, squishy sofa away and they're going to replace it with a stiff, yucky, leather one WITH NO RECLINERS.

& My dad was like

No! I don't want to listen to you, you took the best couch away. Sure, it was ugly and brown, but it was SQUISHY, damn it!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Headache, headache, go away.

I've had this killer headache since 5th period, after napping, eating, and laying down, it still hasn't gone away. :(

Tremain just left a voice message and it made my night! :) YAY~

Anyway, I'm wide awake since I woke up at 9 from my nap.
I want to repaint my nails, but I'm afraid it might make my headache worse.

I don't know.

Hello, Unwrapped.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Let's see...

- I don't know why I give a flying fuck anymore.
- People, in general, are annoying.
- I have bigger concerns.
- I missed four episodes of NCIS because of napping and talking on the phone.
- I had a good day, but a bad day. Does that make any sense?
- I sometimes think that I'm the biggest bitch that ever walked the planet.
- My dreams are extremely peculiar. I'm always violent.
- I had a dream of a friend confessing her love to Bobby Flay, and this model person attacked her with glittery pumps, then I attacked the model. It seemed more dramatic in the dream, but once I woke up and told her, I literally LOLed by myself for awhile.
- Peet's hot coffee drinks = no moooore. Ick.
- I want bigger boobs.
- I miss a lot of people, like seriously. I miss Panphila, Denise, Malina, my sister, Belle, Justin, Samantha, and a bunch of other people. :( I never see them enough.
- People have to realize how genuine someone can be, geez.
- I wish I had a greater sense of humor.
- I've been having horrible grammar lately.
- Stuttering sucks ass.
- There are a few people I want to squeeeeeeeeeesh with hugs.
- I'm working Saturday, someone visit me & keep me company? :(
- I better get paid EXTRA, dramatically! GRR!
- Matte nail polish is getting on my nerves. C'mon! I just painted you yesterday. :( Why did you chipppp!?
- I can't slow dance/waltz.
- My head is always in the clouds, I think I'd be suitable with someone down-to-earth. :) Don't you think?
- I feel lame because I think I'm the only one who gets sweaty during badminton in the morning. -_- Same with dancing. I guess that's what I get for putting all my effort in?
- My leg hurts. I think I'm going to pull a muscle really bad tomorrow.
- My teeth are yellow but I brush them practically 3 times a day. :( Too much coffee and soda.
- Unwrapped is boring if it doesn't mention candy.
- Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives is replacing Unwrapped IMO.

Okay, goodnight. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My nails...

are oooooooooogly at the moment. :[
I'm so sad.

I'm going to cut them again after this week.

I can't sleep.

-____-; Annoying.

I dislike it when the lawyer of the defendant pleads mentally unstable in Law & Order.
Sometimes they are, but most of the time NO NO NO NO.



I still love this show. (:

Pop, Pop; Turn Around; Body Roll; Up, Down.

I need to get this right. These past few days, we've been working our asses off in dance. It's quite relieving actually. However, we finally got into more advanced choreography instead of the simple 1, 2, 3 step left 1, 2, 3 step right.

It's difficult to memorize that then keep my head straight for Ms. McGrady's class. I'm the only one in my group who still hasn't completely memorized lines.

I shall type them out now.

- Will you not tell me who told you so?
- Nor will you not tell me who you are?
- That I was disdainful and that I had my good wit out of a 'Hundred Merry Tales' Well this was Signior Benedick who said so.
- I am sure you know him well enough.
- Did he never make you laugh?
- Why he's the prince's jester, a very dull fool, only his gift is in devising impossible slanders. None but the libertines delight in him and the commendation is not in his wit but in his villainy for he both pleases men and angers them and then they laugh at him and beat him. I am sure he is in the fleet. He would had he boarded me.
- Do. He'll but break a comparison or two on me, which peradventure, not marked or not laughed at will strike him into melancholy and then there's a wing saved for the fool will eat no supper that night. We must follow the leaders.
- Nay, if they do any ill, I will leave them at the next turning.

(Now... typing this without looking at the screen/keyboard.)
- Why he's the princes jester. A very dull fool. Only his gift is in devising impoissible slanders. None but the libertines delight in him and the commendation is not in his wit but in his villainy for he both pleases men and angers them and then they laugh at him and beat him. I am sure he is in the fleet. He would have boarded me.
- Do. He'll but break a comparison or two on me, which, peradventure, will strike him into melancholy and there's a wing saved for the fool will eat no supper that night. we must follow the leaders.

I'm nervous and I don't know why.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A random moment with my dad.

Last night, after chatting with my sister and Pan, I decided that it was time to head for bed. I turned off all the lights and tucked myself into bed. I was planning to watch Law & Order until I fell asleep, but then I started hearing scratching sounds. I became a little alert because I heard it that morning too. I stayed on my bed, but crawled around listening to see where the source of the sound was. It was coming from the left side of my room (Where the closet, bed, and window are.) I heard my dad get up for work, so I ran out the room.

"Pa! There's something in my room!"
He gives me a reaction thats a mix between this =____= (out of tiredness) and O____o

He comes into my room, and the scratching noise completely stopped. I kicked my bed repeatedly to see if it would start up again. Pa looked at me like I was nuts. I sat on my bed and tried telling him. He started feeling my forehead and tucked me in. I protested like crazy.

"Pa! What if it comes get me?!"
"You know when it's late at night and you start to think you hear some things..."
"No! I'm not sick and I'm not hearing things!"
"Go to sleep."
"Paaaaaaaaa~" T_____T

Then he left.

*sigh* Only my grandma believes me!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Right now...

I wish I had enough space in my room...

to dance my fucking heart out.

Without the cheesy choreographed dances and all.

Drill Through My Heart

You know, I get really tired of holding my tongue.

Anyway, I've been having the ultimate caffeine and TV fix these past few days. I guess you can say that I'm catching up with pretty much 7 years of no/rare TV watching.

I wish Sonny With a Chance next season came out already. Poop.

It's a Friday night and I feel like I'm the only one bumming it out at home. I guess it's okay.

America's Funniest Home Video...
I used to find it pretty funny, not anymore. Ehhh.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First Blog of 2010.

I feel required to first talk about my new year resolutions. Let's start:
1. To come up with a brilliant new year resolution and successfully keep it.
2. Lose 5 - 10 pounds. (I know for sure I'm not going to keep this one. Whatever happens, happens.)

I've been completely busy/swamped the entire break. Also, my sister came over so I couldn't blog privately. It was mostly the former, however. It was all work, traveling, shopping, and friends. I wasn't able to sleep in at all except for like two days the entire two weeks. Work wasn't anything special.

Las Vegas was fun, even though my brother was a complete BRAT the entire ride. My cousin, my sister, and I went out walking around Vegas for like... 5 hours. I was drop-dead tired. There was so much secondhand smoke. Gag. I really hate how I'm extremely sensitive to smells sometimes. The next day we went to eat dim sum. My parents woke us up at 5 am to get ready. -__- Later, we ended up at the Paris hotel. I was starving so my sis picked a place to eat.

NEVER EVER EAT AT LE CAFE ILE ST. LOUIS! I don't think I've EVER eaten at a place so horrible. I go out to eat a lot so that's saying something. I ordered an Alfredo dish, and it was the blandest thing I've ever eaten. I have a tendency to like bland foods, but this one was horrible, even the noodles were stiff. My cousin and my sister couldn't even finish their burgers. Service was awful. The bread appetizer was cold and the waitress refused to warm it up.There was a line outside, so you'd expect it to be a nice place, right? Nope, they just sat everyone outside and made everyone wait so it would seem like they were busy. Busy = good food supposedly? We're usually not picky customers, so I don't know what the fuck was up with that place. Bill was almost $70 bucks for THREE people. My cousin paid for the entire thing, I knew she was upset for wasting that much money on the worst place ever.

Next morning, my family and I went to this fabulous breakfast buffet. (: There weren't that many choices to choose from, but the food was great. A family of 9 with a bill of $50 dollars, yeah dude.

I went to Emeryville with Malina and Ben. Bought some stuff for people. I was depressed because I spent practically $80 bucks at H&M for three items. Headed back to Pinole, Malina had to go home, got sushi for Belle and Denise since we couldn't hang out with them. :( Slept over, talking and stuff. It was nice. :) Mason loves me now, haha! Just chilled, Ben came with cupcakes. Ate spam. My sister picked me up around 11 pm. Spent my new year watching TV and stuff. :3 Worked the rest of the break and my sister left on Sunday.

Back to school... I was dead exhausted that I fell asleep in school for the first time ever. End of the semester is coming up and I'm not ready. :(

Anyway, Law & Order is on. I'm going to finish watching that then take a nap. Night, folks. :)