Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why I Love My Best Friend.
Me: I'm envious on what you and Ben have.
Her: How?
Me: To have someone there for you.
Her: I'm always here for you!
Me: -_-; To have someone to snuggle with.
Her: I'll snuggle with you!

^ One word: Loser.

I want to go to Panphila's house for christmas eve. :) Maybe not because of Vegas and everything. Also work because I feel bad for letting my sister go by herself because I was a grump who only was spose to get 4 hours of sleep.

I love awkward moments, if it's not me in them. :) I made Malina facepalm so many times yesterday, I say it's a huge accomplishment. (:

Sunday, December 20, 2009


I hate people, I really do.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Start of Christmas Break! :D

First off, I absolutely love Christmas. I love shopping for other people and when it comes around, I'm just all happy and dandy; full of Christmas spirit.

However... Christmas = crowded malls. That's the only thing I cannot stand. I don't like people pushing through me, taking the last clothes sizes, ripping through clothes, and making messes. Shopping is a way of relaxing for me, just like painting nails.

Yesterday and today were good days. I love seeing people's reactions to gifts. It makes my day. :D Thenthenthenthen today victoria gave me the cutest gift eveerrrr. <3 People are starting to know me so well. Gummy worms, dark chocolate, and sparkly things ftw. <3

I'm so excited even though I'm not done with Christmas shopping yet.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm dreading tomorrow.
But I get to see cute old people. (: Hopefully.
I just hope no one in my class screws it all up.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hi, you made my day. Thanks.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Even though I have a shitload of homework to do tonight...
Even though my sister's coming in three days and my room is still a mess...
Even though it's blistering cold out for the past... forever...?
Even though I completely messed up my math quiz today. (I swear, I didn't see that negative sign!)

I'm having a pretty good day. :)
It's probably because I actually went to class and didn't feel like I was missing anything significant.

Although, there are still a few bothers. Oh well.
The weekend is coming up soon...
then comes winter break. :)

My parents want to go to Vegas during the break.
They were like, oh you're going to be super grumpy on the ride there.
No, duh. Why make me go? They think it's nuts that I don't like traveling...
I'll go just because my sister's going and I know she's dying to have me as company! :D
*Truth is... I'm too chicken to stay in the house by myself. I need a babysitter. :( *
I do enjoy going out, but most of my traveling experiences consisted of moving.
Moving = starting over = social suicide.
11 schools. It makes me wonder if I would be this awkward if I didn't move around so much.
I need to stop dwelling on the past though. :( Everything happens for a reason... I guess.

My legs are really sore.
I don't know why actually...
Is it all the crouching/foot movements from dance?
Is it the lunges during badminton? (I highly doubt it)
I think I had a ducky waddle today.

I'm dreading tomorrow, Thursday evening, and Friday evening. (If I have to go. :( )

Monday, December 7, 2009


I love Sonny with a Chance.
I really really do. :)
Chad Dylan Cooper is fabulous.

Today, I walked all around all day in jazz shoes. Those things are flat as heck, so my feet hurt a lot. We got a lot accomplished today, but we're so noob. It's okay. Better than nothing, right? The day was so long, I seriously couldn't believe it was Monday.

My mom ended up taking me to Round Tables. I pigged out. I couldn't sleep, so I watched Sonny with a Chance. I did my spanish homework.

I painted my nails Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees Suede by OPI. :D It matches my sweats. It was messy, quick application. I couldn't enjoy the relaxation I usually get with my nails because someone called me.

I need a laptop cooler.

Back to doing homework and studying. :(
(& watching more shows, hehe.)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


was an extremely long day.
I chatted with Denise for a few minutes, watched tv for a few too.
I was knocked out at 8:30.

PS. I saw swatches for China Glaze's Spring 2010 collection "Up & Away"
Amazing much? :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Wishlist

Christmas wishlist is posted up, just for those who are curious.
It's over there on the lower rightside ---->

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Once Upon a December...

I can't wait until Christmas break.
Everythings just been annoying the HELL out of me lately.
With the performance coming up and random school shit...
I thought I'd be relieved after college applications
but my annoyance just increased by x483253782.

I want a lazy day where I can just sit around and watch sappy romance movies or Supernatural all day.

I need money though. So, I might go to work this Saturday and Sunday. :\ I HATE working with my mom though. She always ends up leaving me to deal with the customers by myself then talk about how stressed she is. I know she is, but does she fucking need to gossip on the phone about useless shit at work? I do not understand how people prefer her when she's so snappy.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I don't want to deal with this dance shit anymore. I'm suppose to do all day dress rehearsal. I have bigger priorities than this, but whatever. My brother's been nonstop annoying since they've gotten their new game system to the point one of them barely tries in school anymore.

On the brighter side...

It's almost Denise's 18th birthday. :)
Happy Early Birthday, dearest. <3
I hope you have a fantastic one.