Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why I Love My Best Friend.
Me: I'm envious on what you and Ben have.
Her: How?
Me: To have someone there for you.
Her: I'm always here for you!
Me: -_-; To have someone to snuggle with.
Her: I'll snuggle with you!

^ One word: Loser.

I want to go to Panphila's house for christmas eve. :) Maybe not because of Vegas and everything. Also work because I feel bad for letting my sister go by herself because I was a grump who only was spose to get 4 hours of sleep.

I love awkward moments, if it's not me in them. :) I made Malina facepalm so many times yesterday, I say it's a huge accomplishment. (:

Sunday, December 20, 2009


I hate people, I really do.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Start of Christmas Break! :D

First off, I absolutely love Christmas. I love shopping for other people and when it comes around, I'm just all happy and dandy; full of Christmas spirit.

However... Christmas = crowded malls. That's the only thing I cannot stand. I don't like people pushing through me, taking the last clothes sizes, ripping through clothes, and making messes. Shopping is a way of relaxing for me, just like painting nails.

Yesterday and today were good days. I love seeing people's reactions to gifts. It makes my day. :D Thenthenthenthen today victoria gave me the cutest gift eveerrrr. <3 People are starting to know me so well. Gummy worms, dark chocolate, and sparkly things ftw. <3

I'm so excited even though I'm not done with Christmas shopping yet.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm dreading tomorrow.
But I get to see cute old people. (: Hopefully.
I just hope no one in my class screws it all up.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hi, you made my day. Thanks.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Even though I have a shitload of homework to do tonight...
Even though my sister's coming in three days and my room is still a mess...
Even though it's blistering cold out for the past... forever...?
Even though I completely messed up my math quiz today. (I swear, I didn't see that negative sign!)

I'm having a pretty good day. :)
It's probably because I actually went to class and didn't feel like I was missing anything significant.

Although, there are still a few bothers. Oh well.
The weekend is coming up soon...
then comes winter break. :)

My parents want to go to Vegas during the break.
They were like, oh you're going to be super grumpy on the ride there.
No, duh. Why make me go? They think it's nuts that I don't like traveling...
I'll go just because my sister's going and I know she's dying to have me as company! :D
*Truth is... I'm too chicken to stay in the house by myself. I need a babysitter. :( *
I do enjoy going out, but most of my traveling experiences consisted of moving.
Moving = starting over = social suicide.
11 schools. It makes me wonder if I would be this awkward if I didn't move around so much.
I need to stop dwelling on the past though. :( Everything happens for a reason... I guess.

My legs are really sore.
I don't know why actually...
Is it all the crouching/foot movements from dance?
Is it the lunges during badminton? (I highly doubt it)
I think I had a ducky waddle today.

I'm dreading tomorrow, Thursday evening, and Friday evening. (If I have to go. :( )

Monday, December 7, 2009


I love Sonny with a Chance.
I really really do. :)
Chad Dylan Cooper is fabulous.

Today, I walked all around all day in jazz shoes. Those things are flat as heck, so my feet hurt a lot. We got a lot accomplished today, but we're so noob. It's okay. Better than nothing, right? The day was so long, I seriously couldn't believe it was Monday.

My mom ended up taking me to Round Tables. I pigged out. I couldn't sleep, so I watched Sonny with a Chance. I did my spanish homework.

I painted my nails Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees Suede by OPI. :D It matches my sweats. It was messy, quick application. I couldn't enjoy the relaxation I usually get with my nails because someone called me.

I need a laptop cooler.

Back to doing homework and studying. :(
(& watching more shows, hehe.)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


was an extremely long day.
I chatted with Denise for a few minutes, watched tv for a few too.
I was knocked out at 8:30.

PS. I saw swatches for China Glaze's Spring 2010 collection "Up & Away"
Amazing much? :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Wishlist

Christmas wishlist is posted up, just for those who are curious.
It's over there on the lower rightside ---->

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Once Upon a December...

I can't wait until Christmas break.
Everythings just been annoying the HELL out of me lately.
With the performance coming up and random school shit...
I thought I'd be relieved after college applications
but my annoyance just increased by x483253782.

I want a lazy day where I can just sit around and watch sappy romance movies or Supernatural all day.

I need money though. So, I might go to work this Saturday and Sunday. :\ I HATE working with my mom though. She always ends up leaving me to deal with the customers by myself then talk about how stressed she is. I know she is, but does she fucking need to gossip on the phone about useless shit at work? I do not understand how people prefer her when she's so snappy.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I don't want to deal with this dance shit anymore. I'm suppose to do all day dress rehearsal. I have bigger priorities than this, but whatever. My brother's been nonstop annoying since they've gotten their new game system to the point one of them barely tries in school anymore.

On the brighter side...

It's almost Denise's 18th birthday. :)
Happy Early Birthday, dearest. <3
I hope you have a fantastic one.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

It says on my dashboard that I have 108 posts. On my actual blog, it says I had 101.
I'm extremely confused.
MLIA. Just kidding.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dear blog, I have the greatest friends ever.

So folks,
Some smart dumbass successfully popped my lock and stole 6 bucks and my earphones from my pe locker.
I'm quite upset with that.
I was about to bring my wallet that day too. Imagine having over 50 bucks stolen. Thankfully, it was just 6 bucks and broken earphones. Victoria let me borrow some money. Thank goodness<3 I saved it in case Denise was going to be late afterschool and I needed some food. I ended up going to Peets with Victoria because she's the sweetest person ever who keeps me from being completely stranded. :[ I met her dad. :] Pretty cool.

Pan and Denise came around 2:45. -_-; It's cool though. Panphila got me China Glazes! <333 L8R G8R, Kaleidoscope him out, and Atlantis! How effin' amazing is that? Well, we drove all the way back to SLZ. I got freakishly carsick from my lack-of-food and traffic. I was dryheaving again. Picked up Belle and went to the movies, saw Blind Side. Amazing movie, I wouldn't have traded it for New Moon or Ninja Assassin.

I was starving pretty bad & i have a headache, managed to survive to go to ihop near home. Ate, my stomach hurt while i was eating, but good food. :)

Thanks Victoria, Denise, Panphila, and Belle for everything. <3

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wednesday's canceled. :(
Ugh, thanks for being so understanding, you guys.
I'm so bummed though.

I was looking forward to it ever since we planned it.
Darn mom and her bad timing.
:[ I hope my dad gets better soon though.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oh, the cleverness of me! :)

- I resemble a creampuff, a mushroom, a puffball, or anything of that sort.
- I'm eating oreo cakesters, peanut butter with milk. It's delicious.
- My grandma and I went shopping together today. :) My grandma loves me. It was fun.
- If you couldn't tell from the first sentence, I cut my hair again.
- Thus, I resemble a puffball.
- My cousin bought these yummy oranges that are easy to peel. It's almost gone, so I stole two of them and stashed them into my room.
- Malina wants me to do her makeup, hair, nails, and all that good stuff for prom. As a payment, I get to pick her shoes.
- I don't want to go to school tomorrow.
- Wednesday!<3 I can't wait. :)
- I'm contemplating on wearing my heels on Wednesday. Eh, maybe not.
- I'm feeling better from Friday. It's all good.
- ONE MORE OREO CAKESTER. I shall devour yoooou.
- Dark chocolate > milk chocolate > tuna > white chocolate
- Sausage > Bacon
- I love Denise, even if she does have bad taste in food. :)
- I painted my nails again. RUBY PUMPS!
- I miss my sister. :( Sh, don't tell her though.
- Oil blotting sheets are freakishly expensive.
- I love my grandma. :)
- Today, we were standing in line holding two items. Everyone else had full carts. The lady in front of me felt bad and let us cut. <3 You're amazing, lady. :)
- Dance shoes suck. -_-;

Friday, November 20, 2009

Juice boxes.

I wish I had a positive affect(effect?) on people. I'm not good with words, so I don't know how to comfort people. If you're looking for comfort, don't look for it around me. Sure, I empathize, sympathize but I can't express it through words. I'll just give you short word answers or make you feel crummier. Even if I'm lively, it seems like everything I touch withers and dies. -_-;

I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like bawling my eyes out, ripping my hair out, and throw everything. I ate some lunch today, but I'm dryheaving. I'm coughing like hell, and trying to puke out nothing.

I don't want to step out of my room right now.
My mom's mad at me because I'm getting sick and not doing anything about it.
Whatever. It comes and it goes.

I spoke with my little brother, JJ, a few minutes ago. He was a big fat lump underneath a blanket. He talked about how he wished all of us (Jenn, me, jr, and him) were wizards. He proceeded to chant spells from Harry Potter. That made my day. :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I am so sick of November.

Seriously, seriously.

I want college applications to be over, personal statements, and senior year to be over. Let's rewind. I rather deal with junior year all over again then this month. -_-;

I don't know what's up with me.
It's only a simply edit for my personal statement.
I am SO TIRED of rereading it over and over again. BLAH. WTF.
I'm thankful for having a class where I can work on it
but this month just bothers me... a whole lot.

I'm a failure.
'Scuse me and goodnight.


Max limit for PS - 1000 words.
Words I began with - 1800 words
Halfway editing - 1500 words
Done editing - 1700 words.

Really now?
I have less than two weeks.


I need more shoes.
This year all I've been wearing are chucks, chucks, and a few flats here and there.
As I was going through flickr.
I saw these GORGEOUS pair of flats.
It made me miss flats, even though they make your feet all sweaty and nasty.
Also, I saw these pair of satin black peeptoe pumps. Now, I wish I was shorter so I have a good excuse to wear heels.


It's 10:15.
I don't know what I'm waiting for.
"I don't want your money, I want change."

I was sleepy around 9'oclock. Now I'm wide awake. I don't have the motivation to study for spanish.

I had a trig test today. I had a callnote from Sac State. I chose my test over Sac State. I better have gotten an A on it. Please and thank you. This is the first time since my sophomore year I've been doing good in math, understanding the material and all.

I did my physics homework. He didn't collect it. I measured all the sides of the triangle. He told us we didn't need it. 15 minutes later, he told us to measure them.
He resorted to artsy-stuff. (No offense, Victoria.) Physics was a head-banging experience today, literally, on a desk.

I took a nap today after two weeks of going without one.
I slept for 45 minutes cause I had 5 pillows stacked on each other. Ohwhee.

Ok, enough randomness for one night.
Goodnight, for really this time.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Let Me Hear Your Voice

The rain just now has stopped
The smell of asphalt is floating around the city
Hey, over there too, the weather is fine already right?
For the weather has cleared up from the west
Since you’re not a morning person
Everyday, will you be able to wake up properly?
I’m still worried about things like that

The spreading sky, the freedom
Although neither of them has changed
Right now, just that… it’s only just that you are not by my side

Let me hear your voice
If we become honest, surely
We’ll be able to understand each other
Please open your heart
Let me hear your voice
The path we have come is, for us, definitely
An important STEP to that future

The first time I met you was
Around this season right?
The light up street was
Glowing beautifully
The crybaby-you, from that time on, often
Laid your forehead on my shoulder
You were crying right? That extreme warmth
From your touch on my shoulder

Everyone lives, carrying his own worry
Desperately holding his broken heart

Let me hear you voice
If we become more kind
We’ll be able to love each other
Don’t avert my eyes
Let me hear your voice
Let’s get over those entwined anxieties and loneliness
The feelings of this moment become our bond

Yeah, Since you went away hasn’t been the same
In my heart all I got is pain
Could it be that I played a game to lose you, I can’t maintain
Sunlight moonlight you lit my life realize in the night
while love shines bright
Cant let you go we’re meant forever baby let me know

This past without you, Can’t forget you
Letting me be the cloud hanging above me
Raining on me missing you touch
Nights get long and it’s hard to clutch
We’re apart breaks my heart
Its all for the best girl you’re my world
In time my love unfurls
He will then wait for you girl

Let me hear your voice
If we become honest, surely
We’ll be able to understand each other
Please open your heart
Let me hear your voice
The path we have come is, for us, surely
An important STEP to that future

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Happy 100th blog!

I got my room back yesterday, but since it's my 100th blog, I wanted to type out something special.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything special to type about. :)

Let's see.... what's important right nooow.
PE - A
H. Spanish 4 - A-
Jazz Dance - A
AP Literature - B
Physics - A
Trig - A+ (That's right!)
AP Government - A

My grandma got on my back about my B, but whatever. I GOT AN A+ IN TRIG! :D

So today, my dance teacher told us that we needed to perform at Pinole Senior Center.
I asked if it was mandatory, she said our grade would drop a letter if we didn't. Blah! :[ Oh well, I get to see cute old people. :)

I hate how I don't get a week off from school like everyone else. :(
Hopefully I get to see my friends next week.

I saw Belle and Denise Saturday, we went to Happy Sashimi. <3 I love you guys, even though you're hella weird. :3 Thanks Denise for the jacket. I begged my mom to let me go. She set a curfew at 8. .___. I left around 6:30 pm. An hour and a half out? HAHA.

Denise and I played Sherlock Holmes. She's the fat one! <3

The weather is getting colder. I miss wearing shorts and t-shirts.
I dislike the clothing transition from warm fall to cold fall.
I feel ridiculously awkward.

Glitter nailpolish is totally fab, but.... I hate the removal. Gosh darnit to the world.

Anyway, happy random 100th posting folks
& goodnight. :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Victoria!

You big 'ole fart. :D Have an awesome one, you deserve it!

PS. I wish I could make you this cake. Unfortunately, I'm not that awesome/skilled. D:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


SAT Subjects bombed. I don't really want to talk about it... at all. :(

I need to finish my UC applications, and then I'm home free. Almost. Besides doing FAFSA, scholarships, and schoolwork. Whoever said senior year was a chill year, lied.

I'm watching Supernatural this morning. :)
My room is almost done, so I'll be back to my normal schedule of painting my nails, homework, chatting, and whatnot.

My room is green and it's a bright green.
& guess what?
It says a lot about me (; instead of the gloomy blue-ish grey I've been stuck with the past year.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Under construction.

My room is under renovation, so I spend time in my living room/grandma's room, so no motivation or privacy at ALL. I only like doing in blogs alone.

I'll see you once again blog when I get my room back.

Happy November?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wondering, once more.

I randomly thought of how I was able to stay in one class in elementary school. o__o; Now that I think of staying in one class for 8 hours of school, I would simply diiiiee.

I painted my closet doors today. I found a piece of HAIRY, MOLDY gum. It was gross, but I felt he deserved a name. Victoria called him Fuzzy Lumpkins. Dear Fuzzy Lumpkins, you're the reason why closet door would never shut. I hope you have fun on your trip elsewhere. Love, Michelle.

My mom is colorblind. She thought this green color was pink. -_-; Aiyah.

Today was a bad day.
I had so many test/quizzes/essays, my head was in a headrush moment all day, pretty much.
I wasn't able to take my nap either because I was busy painting.
At least I did a majority of my important homework.

I dislike school at the moment, blog. :( I can't wait until this weekend. I hate how teachers cram everything in the last week.

On the brighter side, I got my SFState application question answered, finally.

I feel like crying though because I didn't want to be too late for the SFState meeting, that I rushed through my essay and couldn't concentrate properly on it. Ugh, damn and my application mistakes.


Ok. Just finished my application for a job.
Night, folks.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Geez. Really now?

Just because I don't speak Khmer well doesn't mean I don't understand it; I do, perfectly well.
Damn fucking old tarts. No need to fucking shame my brothers or me down.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friend & Sibling Adoration.

Today was a spiffy day.

- I got to sleep in 45 minutes because of no A period, but I still had to stop by at the gym to tell my teacher I was "here" for A period. He ended up not being there so blah.

- I ate my sandwich in senoras class. Finished my work on time.

- Talked to Alameda about me being here on time. Dance class, chilled and listened to music.

- Read in all 3rd period. Found new things about The Metamorphosis.

- Rally period, went to the library with Victoria and ventured around. :3

- Lunch period, walked around. I pigged out like a mofo. Victoria was spazzy. o__o; <3>
- Physics, finished my work.

- Trig. I actually paid attention and triiiiied. Stayed after a bit to get some more explanations.

- APGov. Read essays, took notes. Malina LAST minute told me she was going to visit me.

- Parade. Really quick, but kudos to the floats. :)

- Peets Coffee for the first time ever. My mocha freddo(?) was okaaay. Mocha latte>mocha freddo. Discovered the taste of real, coffee&milk only coffee. I died a bit inside.

- Malina picked me up, yaay! Along with Marilyn and Amenda. Bum drank my drink. Trader Joes to get munchies. Munched on munchies.

- Got home, Malina raided my room.

- Sallys! GOT NAILPOLISHES FOR PEOPLEEE and myself. :3

- Learned how to tie a tie
- Spazzed out on my brothers HP costume.
- Now i'm here, haaaaay.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What I Love About Nightmares

Is that they seem to stretch for a long, long time. Especially when you only have 3 hours of sleep, it makes it seem like 10 hours. Hellish? I suppose so, but when you wake up, you're wide awake.

I'm weird.

I had a dream where I put my purse in a crane machine and two hours later, my purse was gone. I asked the worker who took it and he shrugged and all he gave me was the 80 bucks that was in my wallet telling me it was the person wanting to give it back. But they still took my wallet, purse, digicam, and phone. -_-; I was more devastated with that. LOL.

Last night, I had a nightmare about a stalker in my house trying to find me and kill me. I've been having a lot of dreams about that. Everytime I attempt to talk to the police, my voice fails on me. Even though it was only a 45 minute sleep, it seemed like forever. It was great, oddly enough. I knew I was dreaming so I was floating in and out of dream world. Haha~

I wonder if I still sleeptalk. All my dreams consist of me not talking, if I do. It's the most painful thing ever to get my voice out. I remember also having a dream about confronting my cousin about shit, well... it was painful to talk but I did get words through. I just wonder if I was shouting it in reality.

Goodnight folks.


is fantastic at night. :) Special K with Strawberries if my new favorite now. <3 Replacing Honey Bunches of Oats with Strawberries.

Even though I don't have any homework today (If I do, it's probably not due until Monday) I still feel crappy. I don't know why.

No A period tomorrow, so maybe then I can get spiffied up a bit. :)
Makeup? Maybe. I haven't worn any at ALL this year for school considering I wake up 20 minutes before A period starts and then I get all sweaty and grimey then my makeup is all smooshy and smudged. I rather not risk that.

I just hate it when I look so different with it on.
Oh well.
I'll go extremely light.

TGIF tomorrow.
Next week is end of the quarter.
BOOOOOOO. I still have B's! FDKLGJD

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I wish I was something special.

As I'm writing my personal statement, I can't help but feel like a failure in life.
I haven't joined many clubs at all.
I barely have any community service hours.
I'm not a "leader" in my community.
I'm just plain 'ole whatever.

On the brighter side, I took a 3 hour nap.
I sleep too much.
I'm thinking of working Saturday, but nah. Maybe it'll just be a chill day. I'll work on Sunday.


Killer massive headaches these past few days. My head is freakishly heavy when I wake up each morning, I contemplate whether I should go to school or not. I conclude that when I wash my face I'll wake up and the headache will go away, nope.

Off to school I go, again.

Monday, October 19, 2009


I hate the idea of myself not understanding anything (if I try, that is)
I tried in Physics. Really, I still do.

APLit is driving me nuts. I'm at an 83%. Bye bye wishful 4.0. :[


Sunday, October 18, 2009


My nails are going to be lacquer-less tomorrow.
I'm going to feel so naked and exposed.
My nails are all... yellow and stained.
I re-did my nails... Saturday, but I didn't like them at all, so I removed it.

Then I became occupied with Halloweentown movies, Phineas and Ferb marathon, and Hannah Montana marathon. I haven't watched TV in forever. Thankfully I stopped watching TV for awhile, these shows these days are ADDICTING. (You gotta admit, Hannah Montana is catchy, well when you first start watching it anyway.) I have a love for Phineas and Ferb and Wizards of Waverly Place. Yes, Disney is the only kid channel on my lack-of-channels-tv.

No, I don't like adult shows like.... I DON'T KNOW. House? Is that what Pan&Denise watch all the time? But then again, I've never watched it, so I can't judge. I like Supernatural though, only if I watch it with someone. I'll get chickened out if I watch it all by my lonesome.

After finishing watching TV at... 9. I took a shower cleaned up, waxed off my effin eyebrows again. (I'm wayyy too impatient to pluck, failure.) Because I'm so impatient, I end up waxing, then end up taking off more than I need to on my eyebrows so they look funny, once more. Karma, I tell you. Then I did a majority of my homework! (cept physics, booo. forget it.) Now I'mn blogging. It's 11:03 pm now I'll go to bed now after I read a bit. :)

I wish I didn't lose my other mitten, otherwise I won't expose these naked babies *holds up fingernails* to anyone.

Night folks.


I just realized, the end of the quarter is coming up and I still have B's on my report card. Bleh.

On the brighter side, I finished my first college application. SFSU~

I didn't go with Denise, unfortunately. :[ What a bummer.
I ended up staying with the kids all day watching Disney Channel.

I hate filing my nails, it gives my nails a rough feeling. (which it is spose to) but I hatehatehate it.

I want to go nail polish shopping.

Halloween is coming up soon. Anyone need someone to do their nails for their costume? =D I'M DOING VICTORIA'S NAILS!!!!!!! FINALLLLLYYYYYY!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

3 Day Weekend.

& it's already Saturday.
Yesterday, I spent the day with the three munchkins, playing outside and watching tv and whatnot.
I watched Ratatouille. I love that mooovie.
I order pizza since there wasn't any food in the house and my parents freaked when they got home. >___>

Yep yep.
Hopefully I'm able to get out todaaay.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Piss Off.

Seriously, my weight is MY weight. I know I eat a lot, let's just drop it at that.
Don't mention my weight, my fat, or anything related to that if all you're going to do is tell me to lose weight.

I'm sorry that I'm not stick-skinny like those models.
I'm sorry that I would pick a burger over a plain salad anyday.
I'm sorry that I need 2 - 3 meals daily.
I'm sorry for wanting to look healthy.

It's no wonder why my self-esteem is so low.
I don't care if you're joking.
There are only a FEW people that can joke about my eating habits and weight
& they most likely know who they are.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just Look On The Brightside.

SATs are over. :] Who's relieved? I am. Now just next month.... subject reasoning tests.
I was okay until it got to the 3rd hour. My butt was dying little by little.
Michelle? How did your butt hurt when you have all that fluff there?
Fluff deflates at times especially when youre on it for 3 hours.

Tomorrow, going out with Malina and see people. :] Yay!
Getting my costume at Denise's workplace? I hope so.

You're only as tall as your heart will let you be
And you're only as small as the world will make you seem.
When the going gets rough and you feel like you may fall
Just look on the brightside - you're roughly six feet tall.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I've been feeling off lately. I dread a majority of my classes now. Scratch that, all of them. I feel stupid because I can't seem to write a proper thesis for an essay about a book. I've been dead tired too. I come home, eat, pull out whatever homework, then plop on bed and fall asleep. I woke up in two to three hours with a huge headache. Am I getting too much sleep? I don't know anymore. I can't wait until after Saturday. Dreaded SATs. I need to purchase the chem&lit SAT subject books.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I miss how messy my room was.
Ironically, everything was easier to find
Because it was THAT messy for THAT long.
Not really, but maybe two weeks or so?
I'll never let anyone help me clean my room ever again.

I'm pretty much screwed.
I know the thing I'm looking for will turn up in the most obvious, stupidest place ever.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hit Me With Your Best Shot.

This weekend went by pretty slow. Well, saturday, it did. My weekend was basically Harry Potter-filled. Not that I minded, however. :] Spent nice, quality time with my baby brothers. I love me some Ronald Weasley. :) Calvin and Christine came over yesterday. I really dislike how I'm so awkward. WHY AM I SO AWKWARD? :[

SAT's in 6 days.
Interact Picnic with Malina Sunday. I get to see my friends again! :) I hope she doesn't cancel and that I'm able to go.

I dislike my blogs being picture-less. I have a camera, but I don't take a lot of pictures. Whywhywhywhy? :[ Onion heads are total love them

Back to reality tomorrow.
I don't want to go.
I didn't much of anything yet.
Oh well.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October! :)

Although October is CSU application month, SAT month, and when the weather finally kicks in as fall... it's also... HALLOWEEN MONTH! Halloween = dress up time = fun time with the kids. :) I hope I get to go shopping for new costumes. YAYAYAY.

Not much today. I finally got my haircut, once more. No one in my family really likes it, but who cares. After the haircut, when I showered, I put my hair into a shampoo mohawk. I've never felt so spiffy. I take these pictures on my webcam to show my sister and Malina. I never know what faces to make. o__o Smiling seems a bit off, but frowning is a nono. Hello, squishy faces. :] The awkwardest of them all, but it seems to fit, yes?

I'm glad I barely have homework this week. I feel so chill. Friday tomorrow!
8 more days until SAT!
I signed up for SAT subject tests. Hello Literature and Chemistry. They don't relate at all, but that's okay. :)

I'm glad I'm doing pretty okay in my classes, either understanding everything, maintaining a high grade, or even both. I just hope it runs this smoothly the rest of the year.

'Cept that ONE class pissed the hell out of me today. The one class I was looking forward to my entire highschool career just got ruined. WHATEVER.

I hope I sleep early tonight. I wasn't able to sleep last night. I need to take advantage of these no-homework nights.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today was okay.

I hope I don't get moved in math. I talk too much in there, not all my fault though. The people around me need help, so they ask me because Sanders is busy helping out the people on the other side.

I got my F21 order in. I was pretty happy that I got it but my mom killed my mood.

My mom thinks I have some secretive boyfriend who I'm using for his money. Thanks mom. I'm glad you believe I'm like that. Geez.

She's been listening to my night-convos? Then she'll know I'm helping people with their homework. She should actually listen to the conversation rather than hear the deepness of the voice on the other line. She needs to accept the fact that I make better friends with guys than girls. (with the exception of the superduper awesome girls that I can get along with with no problem whatsoever.)

It's no use explaining it to her. She's only concerned with herself and family's benefits. If I explain to her that I'm helping them with their homework, she'll be like DON'T HELP THEM, THEY SHOULDN'T BE BOTHERING YOU. LET THEM DO IT BY THEMSELVES, YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED WITH YOURSELF ONLY. & she's supposedly a believer in karma. No wonder she's so bitter.

I love my mom & all, but she's absolutely irrational and hypocritical. (I guess this is where I get my hypocrisy from.) If she continues thinking that I'm some friggen easy golddigger, I'm getting out.

I re-did my nails again for like the 3rd time this week. I'm pretty pleased with them this time.

Physics test tomorrow, kill me now.
Spanish test tomorrow, I'm not worried.

I didn't take my daily nap today.
So I'll sleep early tonight.

You know, back freshman year, I always wondered how my sister fell asleep with a bajillion stuff on her bed in her junior and senior year. I've come to realize, you just don't give a damn anymore. Hello spanish notebook, reading book, water bottle, nail polish, mp3 player, straightener, and stuffed animals. Wtf?


Last day of September.
October = college apps.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm the happiest girl today.

Because I got a 98 out of 100 on my trig test.
I'm not failing trig anymoooooooooooore~ :D

Monday, September 28, 2009

Humpty Dumpty Mickey?

Sunday, I went to San Jose to go visit my cousins. I finally got to wear my oxford heels that Malina got me for my birthday. :) My cousins got me a Mickey Mouse pillow. I was being a brat and carrying it around until they said I could have it since Calvin supposedly bought it for me when they went to Disneyland. I practically squealed when I saw it. Panphila has a Donald Duck one. I think it's cuter because Mickey's ears slap me on the face a lot. But guess what!? It matches my MP3 player! WOOHOO! I'm happy. My mom overreacted when she saw my heels. I survived, how pro am I? Sike. :)

My cousin lives near a nail supply shop. Who could resist?! I sure can't. I purchased OPI Garangtuan Green Grape, OPI Breathe Life (YAY! I couldn't find one for Pan though, pooey.), China Glaze Eyes Like Sapphires, and China Glaze Rain Storm. I wasn't too sure about the China Glazes, but all the other colors I could've reached by Sally's. Mind as get the limited editions one, yes?

So yesterday night. I was just chilling talking with people online. Then the FATTEST fly I've ever seen comes into my room. It was so big and loud I could hear it land. :( Then I guess it knew I was scared of it, so it flew near me. I think Denise had fun. I turned off my lights then flew out of my room. I didn't see it come out, but I think it ninja-ed its way out of my room. :[ How can a fly on steroids be a ninja? Who knows, but I'm pretty jealous.

My grandma finally made my favoritest food in the world. Pho. :) I was feeling pretty much like humpty dumpty afterwards. I didn't even feel like reaching for my phone. I just laid on the bed for a couple hours cause I was that bloated. My tummy is happy now.

I got a bajillion bug bites. THEYRE KILLING MEEEEE. I hope Victoria doesn't see me itching tomorrow or else she'll smack me. X_X; Revenge~

I need to open up my soompi shop soon. My room is piling up. @_@ Ohnoes.

College applications are coming out soon! I'm feeling so indecisive. Anyway, time for bed now. Night night. :)

Cold weather is coming. Pooooooey. At least my warm room is coming into use.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Silly Rabbit, Trix are for kids. :)

I decided to give China Glaze For Audrey another shot. Surprisingly, I actually like it this time around. Sure, it doesn't match my skintone, but it's a nice color overall. Like Pan's, application was thick. Bummer. Maybe I like it because of the rabbits. I saw a picture on soompi of rabbit nails, so I thought I'd give it a shot. :) I've never felt so cool, HAHA. I'll probably have this one on for a few more days. I wish I had a nice mint green in my collection though. :( As usual, I can't do any designs on my right hand. I painted my toes in China Glaze's Neon Flying Dragon. I decided to give that one a chance too. It's still rough, but the color is vibrant. I forgive it.

I need to try out OPI's Banana Bandana. I keep forgetting to try it out. I still need to return Sephora's dark room. I'm thinking of exchanging it for metro chic since I don't have any nice grey cremes in my collection. Oh CG's Recycle, why can't I get my hands on you? >:[

I bought a couple stuff online from F21. I really hate having a budget, LOL. I remember being $1.18 over... then 9 cents over. There are no words to describe how disappointed, annoyed, and POed I was.

I also got a haircut. I'm thinking of going shorter. Who knows. No one in my family likes it because it makes me look old, at least it's easier to maintain. I may be extremely materialistic, but most of the time, I don't give a crap about my hair. My cousin was bitching/nagging about it the entire time. Geez, it's my hair. She tells me whatever I want, but did she really need to complain about it after she said that. Yes, it's my choice, don't bother me about it. My mom later agreed with me about my idea of hair because she knows I don't care much about it. At least my hair is undyed and barely fried and not dried out, dead, and completely fried. Kthxbai.

Friday, September 25, 2009


It always makes me wonder how a person's character is shaped into who they are now.
Do they have to go through tough times to be a good person?
Do they have to have things handed them on a silver platter to be a bad person?
Do they deal with abuse and ridicule to become nice?
Or do they take what they've dealt with and through it back at people's faces?

Of course, I'm not making assumptions to everyone, but...
why is it that the good people suffer?
Is it because they've dealt with so much shit&awareness that they're formed to be geniunely kind-hearted?

I'm not thinking straight. I'm sleepy, but it's just been bothering me.
I have too many questions running through my head.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Yesterday, I went with my grandma to go pick up my brothers from school. On the drive there, I saw a few elementary schoolers looking down into a gutter, totally amazed of what was down there.

Flashbacks much?
Denise, Stephanie, and Angelina throwing cheetos and bottles to feed what was in the gutter in like 5th grade. XD Staring down into the gutter for several minutes to see if there was any movements. Puaha~

TGIF tomorrow.
Sleep. San Jose Sunday. I get to see my baby Christine! :)

I like the word pudgy. I'm getting pudgy. Pudgy pudgy.
I want another halloween costume. I hate how costumes are super expensive.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ultimate cheesiness.

WTFsunnyislike: hey shel
WTFsunnyislike: so
WTFsunnyislike: i went to the hospital today
WTFsunnyislike: so lame.
WTFsunnyislike: and then they had to take an xray
WTFsunnyislike: soo they xray'd my whole upper body
WTFsunnyislike: and saw a picture of you in my head.
WTFsunnyislike: :]

This was totally blogworthy. It caught me offguard.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Was Made to Be With You

Bleh. Late night doing homework. Tomorrow, while the rest of the seniors are at boat cruise, I'll be taking the fattest nap ever.

I hate physics at the moment. Confusing ass shit. I don't even feel like working on it, but my time adjustment is very narrow at the moment.

I need to stop blogging and get my homework done and over with.
I need to rewrite aplit question stuff.
Study for spanish test
math hw catchup
lab journal.

not much, but physics is making everything so damn time consuming. wtf?

Monday, September 21, 2009


Is anyone feeling just as scared as I am? Just as overwhelmed?
Maybe it's just me.
I was so excited for college last year, I couldn't wait to get out.
But now, it looks like a huge step I'm afraid of taking.

I Hate Odd Numbers and Unsharpened Tweezers.

I just realized today, I'm 17. I knew beforehand, but it just sort of hit me a couple hours ago. Then my reaction was pretty much "ewwww." I dislike odd numbers. I don't know why. When I was younger, my TV volume had numbers on it. When I adjusted it, I would always set it to an even number. I don't like the number 7, I like the number 6. Strange, huh?

My eyebrows are a friggen mess. I hate how my tweezers don't do shit. Really. I would wax them like I usually do, but I ended up ripping off a piece of my eyebrow... like I usually do. I would go get them threaded, but mom can tell, then she'll yell at me for wasting money when I already have a wax-machine-thingy already in my room. .___. We're in a recession... we're in a recession. Why am I so damn materialistic in a recession?!

On the brighter side, my mom made me a durian milkshake. :) I don't know how people find the smell so horrid. When I smell it in the house, I immediately think of durian and eat some of it's yummy goodness. =3

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Glass Fragments Raging a Storm.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was absolutely adorable. :)
I'm most deff buying the DVD when it comes out. :D
We were going to Emeryville to watch it, but Emeryville didn't have non3D so we went to Hilltop instead. Pan, Denise, Ryan, Jeremy, and Pan's cousin went.
Talked with Denise and Pan before the movie started.
Then talked with Pan when we sat in the theater. Apparently, I don't have an inside voice.
Went to Ihop after and splitted foods with Pan.
Ryan dumped syrup on everythiiiing. Gross, but whatever.

I don't feel well right now.
So, I'll blog more later.

PS. The note on my whiteboard from Pan made me smile when I got home, lol. :D

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's All In Your Mind.

I can't wait for today.
Hopefully my mom won't bother me about it.
I want to cheer up.

I love my friends.
Thanks for talking with me yesterday and cheering me up
even when you guys probably knew I was crying like a dumbass.

I'm going to be okay. :)
Total dejavu though.

I hate how the weather keeps changing.
It's making me sick, literally.

Going to Emeryville today to go watch a couple movies with Denise, Pan, and Ryan.
MEATBALLS ftw. Then those two want to watch Jennifer's body. FML.
Buckhorn after? :]
Can't waaiiiit.

I was rereading the end...
Man, poor Jenn. (Yeah, you.) Hella people are going to be watching Jennifer's body. AHAHA.
I love puns.
I'm lame, at least Malina understands where I'm coming from.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me...

I'm looking forward to this Saturday with Denise&Pan. I think Ryan's coming along too? Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, folks. I can't wait. It'll make my week better since it's been a bad week.

It's been an on and off week.
- I've been wondering why I put up with your shit all this time. .
- Failed my math test.
+ Aced my physics and government test.
- Still procrastinating.
- Woke up 15 minutes before A period started. I never got ready so fast in my life.
- I feel like I'm not going to get any scholarships, so college fail.
- I lost one of my favorite shirts.
+ Random chats with friends.
- Mom nagging me about how I never help out with my brothers. I do, do they listen to me? No. Does she believe me? No. Screw it.
- California driving is a fucking bitch. People have no courtesy at ALL. It's no wonder people get into so many accidents. I miss Georgia. My grandma's nagging about my driving didn't help either.
- Dance&trig&physics, 'nuff said.
/ Creepy Denise.
- Dickheads.
- I feel like I don't get ANYTHING in spanish.
+ I love AP Lit.

I don't know what is up with me.
I hate school. At least it's Friday tomorrow.
Slowest day of the week.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hot Cheeto Puffs

are the greatest things ever. So addicting. XD I bought a bag after trying them with Belle when we went to SF on the 4th.

Anyway, my grandma wanted to return her sunglasses so I splurged like crazy. Fuck me. D:

Sephora's Dark Room. I'm probably going to exchange this for metro chic.
OPI Banana Bandanna. It was on sale, so I snagged this. :)
OPI Russian Navy Matte. Dark blue matte, yay! :)
OPI La Paz-itively Hot Matte. Saw swatches of these and it was a must have. ^^;

My new jeans. :3 Black, regular, and dark-washed. 12 dollars each. Not bad, I guess. :3

Urban Decay Sustainable Shadow Box with travel size eyeshadow primer potion. I started early christmas shopping. I'm not entirely sure who to give this to yet. I don't want to keep it since I ever rarely wear makeup anymore and Urban Decay's eyeshadows are TOO shimmery for my taste. They're highly pigmented though. :)

The Oxford heels that Malina got me finally came in. How fucking gorgeous are they?! I don't know when&where to wear these to, but if I ever get the chance to wear heels out again, I'll most deff wear these. :)
Red undersoles remind me of Christian Louboutin shoes, so hopefully no one will get on my ass about having fakes. -_-;

They went shopping today again, but I held back since I have a lot of homework and chores to do today. Home alone, finally. :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

I Can't Stop Love Love Love

It's Midnight, your tired drunk voice
2:00 a.m., the abruptly ended phone call

Nobody knows how I feel
I can't stop
Love love love
Though it hurts, I keep on repeating
I can't stop
Love love love

Have you ever been in love before?
Falling at first sight, like in the movies?
Spent the entire night talking on the phone?
Bragged to the entire world?
Waited in the pouring rain?
Run like crazy to the one you love?
Secretly guarded?
Gone crazy?
Pretended not to see when you really did?

I’m sure you have been in love
Spent all your money on your anniversary
Apologized even when you didn’t do anything wrong
Spent entire days writing love letters
Pushed back promises with your family
Prayed to God for that persons health
Ignored your friends
Missed them
Guarded their leaving figure

Can't stop love
Why? I loved you like crazy
Why? I treated you so well
I gave you everything
You got me going crazy

Why? I loved you with all my life.
I gave you my body and soul
I lost everything for you
How could you?

Nobody knows how I feel
I can't stop
Love love love
Though it hurts, I keep on repeating
I can't stop
Love love love

Have you ever had your heart broken?
Had your makeup wash off in the pouring rain?
Cut your long hair?
Started smoking again?
Avoided areas where they might be?
Wrote letters you know you would never send?
Called them while you were drunk?
Had your lips freeze up

I’m sure you've had a broken heart
Hated them as much as you loved them
Ripped up letters you didn’t read
Deleted the phone number you will never forget
Celebrated anniversaries by yourself
Burned all the photographs
Thought every song about heartbreak in the world was yours

Can't stop love
Why? I loved you like crazy
Why? I treated you so well
I gave you everything
You got me going crazy

Why? I loved you with all my life.
I gave you my body and soul
I lost everything for you
How could you?

Nobody knows my heart
I can't stop
Love love love
Though it hurts, I keep on repeating
I can't stop
Love love love

Cry like an idiot
Get drunk again
Hold on to your friend
And curse that person

Time passes
Get drunk again
Grab the phone
Say love!

Nobody knows my heart
I can't stop
Love love love
Though it hurts, I keep on repeating
I can't stop
Love love love

Nobody knows my heart
In reality, only you don't know
Though it hurts, I keep on repeating
As I live my life, I’m sure I'll see you again


I love this song.
Take me back to the Epik High concert.
I'm glad no one ruined this song for me.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mint Chip Ice Cream.

I would go for a pint right now.
It's freakishly hot.
I love my room in the winter because it's small and warm.
In the summer, it's death valley. My laptop overheats like crazy too.

Mint chip icecreeeaaam, how I miss you so.
No one in my family likes mintchip ice cream, so they don't buy it.

Ooh, the refreshing minty goodness. :[

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Procrastination, once more.

I always feel like killing your self-esteem because you kill mine. I don't know how you're going to deal, but whatever comes at you, I'm pretty sure you deserve it.

Bad karma points these days. I've been feeling so negative and taking it out on other people. I have a feeling something huge is going to hit me.

I've been slacking off like crazy. I've only just been barely doing my homework in early morning or at school. Usually, I don't get done. Why haven't I learned my lesson?

I don't even know why I try anymore. It's been practically six months, I'm going no where. If anything at all, I'm just going backwards. Dude, six months? Really? That's pretty damn surprising since it's only infatuation.

My nails are too bright. I don't know why I painted them with this specific color&brand. It's too pretty, but application and removal is a fucking bitch. Seriously.

I miss my friends, I miss my sister. I miss having someone close that I can confide in face-to-face. I love the internet, but it's... well, the internet.

What made my day:
Girl Genius xD: MICHELLE. T^T
rawr MICHELLIE: yess?
Girl Genius xD: IWAS GONNA
Girl Genius xD: T^T
Girl Genius xD: i knew i shouldn't have believed her T^T
Girl Genius xD: i knew it.
Girl Genius xD: T^T

Girl Genius xD: and then she made me feel bad
Girl Genius xD: so i went to check your myspace comments like a stalker.
Girl Genius xD: T^T
Girl Genius xD: and then no one said happy birthday to you today
Girl Genius xD: so i was like freaking julie v____v

^ Gah, I love her. She's so adorable.

Okay, homework time folks. :)

ps. I failed that APLIT essay. FMLLL.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Please Don't Give Up, Dear You.


Two more days until my birthday. I'm not looking forward to it, it'll just be another day. I enjoyed my birthday-ness yesterday.

Thanks Malina&Denise for coming all the way to Pinole and standing outside my classroom. <3 Although it was a total facepalm moment, I still love you guys. It's a small world. Thanks Phillip for buying gummy worms for me again, even if all we do is fight.

Ate sushi then headed for shopping. I got a pair of new boots, a jacket, and tights. I gave Denise Becky's present to give to her. I hope she likes it. Thanks Denise for being the ultimate sweetheart. <3 I discovered even though Malina & I are practically the same size, we pull off different things. Fortunately, I'm not the one that pulls off slutty clothing. MUAHA~ That's cause Malina's diiiirrrttyyy. Just kidding. She got a pair of slutboots though. Those two BARELY bought anything. Makes me saaad. We all got the same pair of tights. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, much? SIIIKE.

Victoria gave me a burned copy of The Matches Decomposer album. It's amazing. I listen to it everyday. Poor her for catching a bad cold though. :( I hope she gets better soon.

My day got ruined after Denise and Malina left. It's my fault though, so whatever.

I cheered up when I played omgpop games with Pan & Belle for like.. two hours until I was damn tired. I fell asleep at 10:30. I woke up at 8. I miss summer.

School's okay. No complaints about A period PE because I get to work out and I'm wide awake and warm when it comes to first period. Dance is a failure though. All we do is stretch. I can't wait until a new teacher comes because I feel like dropping that class completely. Bleh. 5th&6th period goes by pretty slowly though, unfortunately. AP Lit has to be my favorite class though, so far. I want my locker though. I don't have any classes in the halls except the 400's so I hope I get a locker there just because. X_X;

I hope this blog gets in because I've been trying to post a couple blogs already, but failed because it didn't go through. If this doesn't go through, maybe I'll move back to Xanga or head to Tumblr. Who knows. D: So, go through blog!

Yay, it went through. :]

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1st day of school.

Well, today was just ups&downs.
Thanks Phillip for the gummy worms. :D

Maybe since school has started again, i won't neglect you, blog.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Yes, I did.

I beat you, Malina. :)

77 words


Eck though, I type slow. D:

Monday, August 3, 2009

Super Haul.

Didn't think I would go through this summer without posting my new purchases in my collection? My china glaze collection went up from 24 to 38. Along with 5 new OPI's in my collection.

China Glaze. I'm waaay too lazy to list the names at the moment. I spoiled my sister with about 12 new China Glazes and a bunch of other junk. Half of these are hers. I forgot which ones were my new ones, but heres a chunk that I purchased yesterday. $2.99 each.

Left to right.
OPI Matte Nail Envy - Quite pricey. I freaked out because it was matte. Something I was longing for. It's okay though. I'm not all too happy with it, but it does cool down those colors that can be a bit TOO much.
OPI No Room For Blues - Cute creme baby blue nail polish. I need to swatch this one. :) My sister bought it for me.
OPI - You Don't Know Jacques - Creme Taupe color I've been longing forever. Sampled it at Panphila's house, now my sister bought it for me.
OPI - DS Design - From the designer series. Holographic brown. My sister wore this and I love it. It's glittery! Stole it from a sales rack for about 4 dollars. Bought with Pan&Denise
OPI Golden Rules! - Frosty golden color. This is extremely pretty too, my sister tested it out. :) I have a true gold color now. Bought with Pan&Denise<3

This summer was practically an ultimate shopping spree. ^^;

My nails. Inspired by regretless from Soompi forums. I failed at it though.

Did Malina's nails too. I messed up on hers. Sadly, it chipped off the next day. What the heckkk. :(

Sunday, August 2, 2009

-- Summer.

Dear blog, I'm sorry I've been neglecting you. I promise to update frequently once school starts. Love, Michelle.

Phillip drew this for me. <3 Even though it's totally dissing me, I love it. It's adorable.

Too much has been going on these past couple weeks. Let's use pictures to sum it all up, eh?

SF shopping with the aunt and sister.

Ultimate family dinner.

Playing babysitter a majority of the time.

Cramming sleep into our busy schedules.

Caking on makeup for senior portraits. I hope I don't look too caked! Kudos to my sister for eyemakeup.

A family portrait, finally.

A cambodian eating a donut, omgaah. Love you, Malina. <3 Recording videos.

Little monsters and more recording.

Frizzy, moussed up hair with jimjammie Malina.

Happy Early Birthday, Mah Yhay (Grandma). <3

Autobots, decepticons, transformers battle, traffic, and admiring the view in the car.

There's a huge chunk missing. I wasn't able to get any pictures with Denise, Panphila, or Belle. :( Maybe this Thursday, right you guys? <3

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Panphila did my nails! :D <3 OPI - Peach-a-boo for the base, OPI - Nicole Alert! for the tips, and China Glaze - White on White for decorations. :D She's amazing. <3

Worked Sunday morning, picked up Pan, went to Denise's, attempt to wake up Denise, sat around and watch law&order, froyo, jack in the box, and then slept over at pan's house. :)

Monday, woke up AFTER Pan, watched TV, ate, did our naaails ;D, called Jenn a bajillion times, ate pho, and watched more TV. :3

Tuesday, got kidnapped by Denise and ate at Happy Sashimi with Dominic, Janney, Becky, Denise, Kyle, and Cory. Brought home food for Jenn and then we played wii tennis afterwards.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Let's see...

Sunday, went over to Panphila's house and then went to San Jose with Denise, Janney, Becky, and Pan for the Obon Festival. Afterwards, went to Jamba Juice bogo. Then for dinner they went to Happy Sashimi. All. the. way. here. It was good though(: On the drive back, we played some stripping game and around the world. Not fun at all, hilarious because of Denise, but not fuuun. D: Just kidding. I love those kids. Had a superduper late night talk about the most randomest shit ever with Denise and Pan when sleeping over. <3

Woke around 9 and Pan and Denise were still asleep so I read some fanfictions. Tried to wake Denise up to go to Malinas but she sleeps like a friggen boulder. =_= Woke her up an hour later. Went to Malinas, chilled, and then went home.

Today, went to work and SF. Bought a pair of heeled-ankle boots, FINALLY. <3 Also a new pair of vans. They were super cheap, so I just got them anyway. :3 A new pair of jeans, some concealer, and hair stuff. YAAY.

I was suppose to go to six flags tmrw but I totally forgot about my grandma's appointment. So I really don't know what I'm doing anymore. XD

I'm sleepy. I feel as if I barely got any sleep at all this week.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Even with several tissues around me, my eyes are in pain, and that I only got five hours of sleep...

I had a great yesterday. (:

Damn allergies though.

Friday, July 3, 2009

It's time to give a shit.

You criticize on how late I stay out with my friends ONCE A MONTH, while you state that since you're an adult you can stay out as long as you want. Yes, I agree with that, but you stay out for so long that your son stays up until practically 2 am in the morning WAITING for you until we have to make him go to bed. Then the next morning, he wakes up without you there. How damaging is that?

You know what time it is?
It's time to give a shit.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I crave nail polish like I crave food.

I've been neglecting my blogspot. :[ I only posted 5 times last month, wtf? Even though I go on blogspot on a daily basis.

So my family is back from Cambodia. I actually was able to sleep in since who knows how long. Almost a month? It feels great, in a way. I no longer feel uncomfortable with myself because of the habit of waking up, eating, working, eating, working, eating sleeping, eating, then sleeping again. I can finally just... chill.

Yesterday, I drove with my sister to SLZ. :] Went to go see Pan, Denise, and Belle. Went to Tapex beforehand. Yum~ Although my sister's Longan icy tasted rotten. :x Pan gave me a new nail polish. =D Went to a japanese restauraunt. I was kind of full, so my udon noodles just sat there the entire time. The sushi was great, but it was a pity that I was full. :[ Afterwards, just laid around with Pan and Denise and talked about random junk. I love my friends, I really do. I hate how I'm only able to get out once a month though. :[

My china glaze collection went from 15 to 24, excluding the other three/four I purchased for my sister. It's the only thing that brightens up my room pretty much. Anyway, the polish Pan got for me was OPI - Dating a Royal. It's so friggen pretty. I don't have the heart to design on it because it's just pretty as it is. <3 It's too messy around the edges of my nails so I wont post a picture up. I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU, PANPHILA. <4
-- I've been in this creme polish mood for awhile now and this one just fulfills my ideal blue nail polish. NO SHIMMER. I'm on a hunt for a nude-colored creme. I accidentally got a couple french cremes from China Glaze, what a bummer.

Yay, sleeping pictures. I love my little brothers, but my sister's weird for just randomly putting money on them. I won't post up her sleeping picture because she'd probably murder me in my sleep, then put money on me afterwards and take a picture. -___-

Relatives from Florida are coming tomorrow! <3
Next week is Malina's birthday. She's going to go play badminton. I hope I can go! <3
I need to go buy that butthead a present still. She's so difficult to shop for. Jk.

khmaigirl5i0: O,O
khmaigirl5i0: lolol
rawr MICHELLIE: ??
khmaigirl5i0: it looks like an owl XD

What a loser, loool.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What I really want to do is eat a big fat cheeseburger with a large cup of coke.

Also to sleep in until 1 pm.

Just three more days of work. I hope my mom isn't jetlagged too bad. :\ Long mornings, and short nights these days.

My sister keeps drawing on my whiteboard. Doodles of me. :[ She's mean.

On the brighter side, I finally got some comfy, modest shorts. Along with new sandals. Also, a China Glaze haul. :) Maybe I'll post pictures later. Right now, my nails are a creme purple. Spontaneous. <3

Tomorrow's going to be a long dayyyy... I need to start saving money again. :3

Sunday, June 21, 2009



Ah, too bad for my dad's love for buffets, my grandma leaving, and fast food. :\
Strict water diet and no more munching on snacks (aka donuts)


When I'm gaining more weight, I get sad. When I get sad, I start eating some more.

I fail.

Friday, June 12, 2009

It's about time.

It's finally summer and since the last time I blogged, not much has been going on. My sister came from Georgia. But other than that, not much.

On Thursday, Denise, Belle, Panphila, and Ryan came to pick me up from school. :) We went to Walgreens, ihop, then my house afterwards. At least I had something to look forward to that day, so all went well. I had a good last couple days of school. Even though the school was pretty much empty on the last day, it was good. :) I got to play with a doggy and hug people. Did I ever mention that I love hugs? I rarely ever get them since I'm not that close with anyone here, haha. There were only a couple seniors that I knew, but it's still sad to see them go.

On the brighter side, I'm finally a senior. :)

Dear blogspot, I previously said I found some closure when it came to him, but I guess now I'm back to square one. I don't seem to mind, though.


Friday, June 5, 2009


I'm fucking done with projects, well my long-term ones that I procrastinated on like hell. Now, I just need to finish up with my math benchmark and get the spanish presentation over wiiiith, then bam, junior year is over. :)
I'm going to miss the seniors though. :\ Mann.

Well, anyway, today I finally got a little bit of closure, just enough so I can move on.

I love Victoria. Did I ever tell you that, my dear blogspot? I'm glad I have her around, she can tolerate me and my annoying antics. :D

Summer's almost here. I guess I won't take any classes at CCC. :\ No time, I guess? I'll cram fall semester or something... man.

I did some intense cleaning today. First, I lost one side of my bunny slippers... now I can't find one side to my black flip flops. GAH. My sister accidentally told me the wrong DATEEEEEE, so she's actually coming tomorrow. =_=; Oh well.

I have to work tomorrow. I hope I get a decent amount of tips. Pleaseee?

Monday, June 1, 2009


I feel like taking a pair of scissors and chopping off my hair. I've been feeling a bit out of lately. I guess I shouldn't take it out on my hair.

On the brighter side, I've painted my toes glittery pink. It makes me happy and I don't know why. :)

Just 10 more days until school ends... just 10 more days. This is going to be the longest 10 days ever.

My blogs are dying down.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I feel as if everything now until they come back is going to be fucking hectic.
My summer is already going down the drain.

I can't be selfish though.
Get better soon, grandpa.

I hope they make it there safely with no problems whatsoever. :[

It's been a busy week.
I'll blog whenever I get the chance and inspiration to.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Glub glub~

I have the nicest sister in the world! :) She bought me nail polish, an adorable bag, a cute cellphone charm, chucks, makeup, and a new swimsuit.

& she should let me play with her DSi when she gets here. :)


Today, I woke up early because of all the ruckus in my house. I went swimming with the kids at my cousin's boyfriends house. I finally got to pull out my old swimsuit instead of that hated one piece I use for swimming class. -__-; It was bothersome to watch the kids. My family went shopping in SF, cept me. Blah. =\ There were a whole bunch of sales too. I'm so bummed.

My cousin took me to Hilltop after we left. I was able to grab a pair of shorts, a shirt, and two waist belts at F21. Some girl's foot was bleeding heavily in Macy's, like a freaking big puddle. AGHHHH. I was only able to look around for like 10 minutes. Least the clothes fit.

I got a decent tan now. I guess. My face is burnt though. Heh.

My room's a mess.
Decent weekend for a blah week. :]

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Random convos. I love these kids.

I sure did a lot of AIM chatting today.

sick hysteria x: you'll just be forever in my debt for favors

sick hysteria x: imma bananaaaaa
sick hysteria x: and i dont even like bananaas

sick hysteria x: ask her tomororw
sick hysteria x: do not forget.

khmaigirl5i0: dude, i think i'm getting skinner D:
khmaigirl5i0: i can see my bone on my wrist. o_o
rawr MICHELLIE: ..
khmaigirl5i0: like that little bump thangy
khmaigirl5i0: D: D:
rawr MICHELLIE: I thought seeing your bone on your wrist was normal
khmaigirl5i0: i never saw it before o_o

khmaigirl5i0: lol mmmkys XD
khmaigirl5i0: would your mom let you go with me? o_o
rawr MICHELLIE: my grandma, jenn, and a few more of my relatives are going
rawr MICHELLIE: so you have entertainment
rawr MICHELLIE: :]
rawr MICHELLIE: but I dont wanna be stuck on an 18 hour flight with jenn

khmaigirl5i0: People with the apple shape, where fat is stored around the tummy, can be more prone to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Those with pear-shaped bodies, where fat is collected in the buttocks, are less likely to have these disorders.

WTF SUNNY isLIKE: was it a harry potter
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: love fic
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: just wondering
rawr MICHELLIE: ...
rawr MICHELLIE: shutup
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: was it a tear jerker?
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: i just know you that well

WTF SUNNY isLIKE: damnit
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: i'm horny.

WTF SUNNY isLIKE: last time i went down
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: i was all smelly
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: and i was like
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: wow mom

WTF SUNNY isLIKE: idk if you'll look good in these
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: cause the models make em look all good

WTF SUNNY isLIKE: i don't wanna leave the status quo
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: of high school life.

rawr MICHELLIE: it had rape and murder in it...?
WTF SUNNY isLIKE: that's sexy.
rawr MICHELLIE: yes, it was.

rawr MICHELLIE: did you make the sheep/goat thing?
rawr MICHELLIE: but yes, I do like it despite that it has a goat.
VinellaThrilla: its a sheep!
VinellaThrilla: and yes
rawr MICHELLIE: .. its a GOAT
VinellaThrilla: it took a day
VinellaThrilla: its a freakin sheep
VinellaThrilla: note the wavy fur
rawr MICHELLIE: damn, youre right.
rawr MICHELLIE: I thought sheeps were puffier.
VinellaThrilla: xD
VinellaThrilla: i made it
rawr MICHELLIE: niice.
VinellaThrilla: i think i know what it is
VinellaThrilla: lmao

VinellaThrilla: you so goooood

Girl Genius xD: i think you have to see them without their sausage casings [aka skinny jeans]

Girl Genius xD: how much jelly DID i have in there? D:

Girl Genius xD: it can only fit 5 people
Girl Genius xD: XD
rawr MICHELLIE: 5 people = 10 asian people
rawr MICHELLIE: big enough
Girl Genius xD: no
Girl Genius xD: 5 people = 5 belle's.

rawr MICHELLIE: he seems like the person with a big butt XDD
Girl Genius xD: LMAO
Girl Genius xD: i'm going to tell him you looked at his butt!

Girl Genius xD: omg, have you ever been in that situation
Girl Genius xD: where
rawr MICHELLIE: in what situation?
Girl Genius xD: your s/o hasn't talked to you for a day
Girl Genius xD: and you feel really sad?

Girl Genius xD: i should throw one
Girl Genius xD: and then be like WUHT?! I DO

jhmonkey66: I KNOOOOOO
rawr MICHELLIE: ahaha
jhmonkey66: i knew it
jhmonkey66: seeeeeeeee im not the only one
rawr MICHELLIE: ahaha xDD
jhmonkey66: belle wants to check out the asses of policemen
jhmonkey66: dayum i cant even top that
rawr MICHELLIE: I know right
rawr MICHELLIE: next she wants to go to vegas to check out the butts of the malestrippers
jhmonkey66: yup
jhmonkey66: wait ima call the firemen

Even though I spent the day on the computer... :] I'm content.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bad day.

& sometimes I wonder why the the hell I give a fuck.

Bad, bad day.
I don't even want to get into details.

Thanks those that let me get it off my chest. :)
& IMed/texted me to see what was up.

Tomorrow is Friday.
I'm so fucking stressed for some reason.

I want to get out and play badminton.
Too bad Malina can't get out anymore. =\

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad. (:

I hate having mayo-less sandwiches. I thought our mayonaise didn't expire yet, so I didn't buy any. Turns out, it did. :( So, I need to get to Safeway asap because I'm getting sick of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I still have a big block of cheese to eat. o____o;

I bought my Dad a new polo. I got Sally a new shirt. :) My mom kept pushing me to buy stuff for myself or go to the stores I usually go to. Siiiiike. She'd end up scolding me later for buying more crap.

I'm going broke.
I need to go back to work soon.

I finally got my new specs. XD I feel better now because these past few days, my eyes having been irritating the hell out of me and I don't know why. Tuesday is was all itchy and red. Today it was hella white and itchy still.

Today was the last day of swimming. I'm considering signing for it again. Who knows.
I need to memorize lines now.


I forgot.
I ran into this picture again. My sister sent it to me a couple days ago.
It was Justin back when he was like.. two or three? It's absolutely dopey and adorable. I actually lol-ed when I saw this. (:

Someone send me to Cambodia. I want to see my babies. :(

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Map the Soul.

Rewind, I'm going back to Friday. (:

I was so pumped for afterschool Friday that school went by freakishly slow. Ended up at Pan's house later. Left with Denise, Panphila, Belle, and Malina for the concert. (: Malina got us lost. -_- Damn Tomtom. Drove and drove, asked for directions but stupid people wouldn't help. It wasn't until later that people actually decided to help. Really now, the more friendlier people come out at night than daytime, even though 99% of the time they're drunk. HAHA, Malina got breathed on by one guy after the concert. ANYWAY, about the concert...

We got there five minutes before the show started. -_- Got yelled at for running, but it's all good. Far East Movement was fantastic. :) Next was Kero One. He's a really great artist, and I highly recommend his music, but his music didn't really fit into what Far East Movement. I feel guilty to say that it got quite dull after awhile. Panphila's glowstick was hella bright too. Denise and Malina were just plain weird. Damn hoes.

Epik High came out after. (: I've never screamed so hard in my life. Malina thought I wasn't really loud, but then again... who can even hear themselves in that place? They were excellent in live. :) Above in the picture of Mithra, DJ Tukutz, and Tablo. DJ Tukutz was absolutely adorable. Tablo and Mithra were awesome. I was so happy they sang One, Love Love Love, Fly, and Fan. Their new songs were great too. :) I love Top Gun and Free Music. First concert in my lifeeee.

After it ended, there was a hugehugehuge line for merchandise, so Pan and I waited. :( They ended up running out! *Curses Malina* I really wanted an album and a tee. :( I still love you, Malina. Later, Belle, Pan, and I went to the garage and those two dumbbutts ended up running off. T___T Turns out they met some members of Far East Movement. Haha~ Went to In-n-Out later then home.

I fell asleep around 3. My bed successfully withheld four people. Malina, me, Denise, and Panphila. (Yes, in that order.) I wanted to sleep edge but those two buttheads refused to sleep near each other. -____-; BELLE SLEPT ON THE GROUND BECAUSE SHE SUUUUCKS, but she didn't sleep until like 5, so it's okay. :) BUT STILL.

Woke up around 5 coinkyadinkally. Tried to get Denise's fatass up to go to Safeway to get materials for Panphila's surprise cake. She didn't wake up. I ended up waking Malina and Belle along the way. 20 minutes later, Malina and I decided to give up and stole Denise's car keys. I finally drove after so long. It felt great. I ended up buying a block of cheese and turkey for omelettes but ended up eating pho instead. So, guys, I'm trying to eat the block of cheese now.

Double-layered strawberry cake with fresh strawberries in the middle. It's topped with Vanilla icing and chocolate covered strawberries on top along with random dots of chocolate. (: Thanks Malina and Belle for all the work. XD I think before I made the cake, I tried to get Denise up again... I even "bodyslammed" her... unsuccessful. When we were making the cake though, Panphila creeped up on us. T___T; Awkward moment, aha

Went to Emeryville later that morning and played badminton with Malina and Pan. Denise and Belle went to the beach and collected some tiny crabs, worms, and slugs in a glass bottle. Later, we went to hilltop. It was like... 90 degrees out? They left the glass bottle in the car. Ohboooy. They ended up naming one of the crabs SHELLY. Went to find Malina's outfit for Soul Speak, hours later, ended up buying one that haunted me in my dreams, LOL. Crabs, slugs, and worm died when we came back. Denise got really sunburnt, so she let me drive home. YAY. :D Chilled at home, tickets ran out for soul speak concert so Denise and Malina couldn't go. :[

Later that night, we played truth or dare until they had to leave. x___x; It was so intense and awkward.

I love them so much.
Sunday, chilled. Samantha called so that made my weekend great. :D I practically couldn't stop smiling on Monday because it was that great of a weekend. Aha~ :] The college night on Monday killed my week though. -_-; It's all good.

Well, I'm tired. I don't think anyone's gonna read all this.
Goodnight folks.