Friday, December 18, 2009

Start of Christmas Break! :D

First off, I absolutely love Christmas. I love shopping for other people and when it comes around, I'm just all happy and dandy; full of Christmas spirit.

However... Christmas = crowded malls. That's the only thing I cannot stand. I don't like people pushing through me, taking the last clothes sizes, ripping through clothes, and making messes. Shopping is a way of relaxing for me, just like painting nails.

Yesterday and today were good days. I love seeing people's reactions to gifts. It makes my day. :D Thenthenthenthen today victoria gave me the cutest gift eveerrrr. <3 People are starting to know me so well. Gummy worms, dark chocolate, and sparkly things ftw. <3

I'm so excited even though I'm not done with Christmas shopping yet.

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